Education of Mexico 1

  • Education: structure, is the way the government organized it make sense?

    • Access & quality
    • Costs
  • 12 grades compulsory education instructed in Spanish

    • But schools are underfunded and lack in resources because Mexico is diverse in language
      • Tertiary enrollment doubled from 1.9M in 2000 to 4.4M in 2017.
        • But schools couldn’t accomadate them
        • Still much lower numbers of students than other Latin American countries
      • Compulsory upper-secondary education plans by the government didn’t help with rural areas
  • Problems bad education creates include

    • High unempoyment rates among Mexican youths which is twice the unempoyment of overall working age population

      • 2018: 827,324 youths couldn’t find a job, even if 58% of them have middle and higher education

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    • Issue of brain drain where Mexican students go to US to study the most because bad education in Mexico

      • But that slowed with Trump’s anti-Mexican message
      • Going to other countries
  • But education is improving rapidly in the larger scope of things

    • Illiteracy rates among the population over the age of 15 decreased from 82 percent at the end of the 19th century to less than 5 percent today
    • Between 1950 and 2018, enrollments in the formal education system—elementary through graduate education—grew more than 12-fold, from three million to 36.4 million students.
    • The tertiary growth enrollment ratio (GER) jumped from 15 percent in 1990 to 38 percent in 2017 (UIS).



  1. Education in Mexico (